Hello everyone! It is the time for module bidding again! With this post, we hope to let you learn more about the features on NUSMods that can help you during CORS bidding.

Module Finder page

Simply click on Modules in the navigation menu on the left to access the Module Finder page. Under this page, all modules in CORS will be shown. To narrow down the list of modules to those that you are interested in, you can make use of the “Search Options” section and applying search filters (e.g. Semesters, Types, Faculty/Department, etc.).

Click on "Modules"

For instance, to obtain a list of GEM modules offered in Semester 2, check the checkboxes for Semester 2 under Semesters and GEM under Types. A filtered list of GEM modules offered in Semester 2 will then be presented on the right of the page. This makes module discovery really easy and convenient!

Filter modules

Filtered CORS Bidding History

On a module page, detailed information about the module is shown, such as the pre-requisites tree, module reviews, CORS bidding history and module timetable. To view the CORS bidding history for that particular module, click the CORS Bidding History tab on the right.

CORS Bidding History section

Select the appropriate options under Your Faculty, Account Type and New Student to obtain the filtered bidding history for past semesters. Some points to note about which options to select:

  • Your Faculty: Choose the faculty you belong to. DDP students may need to change this part when bidding for modules from the respective faculties. CEG Students are to select “Joint Multi-disciplinary Programmes” due to the unique nature of their course.
  • Account Type: Programme Account is used for Core modules, Higher Level Electives, Major Modules (Cross-Faculty included). General Account is used for UEM (Unrestricted Elective Modules), Minor modules, GEM and SS. Remember to change this part depending on the you module you are bidding for.
  • New Student: Whether you are a freshmen (year 1).

Filter CORS Bidding History

Module Reviews

To make more informed decision about whether to take a module, you can take a look at the reviews contributed by students who have taken it before. Simply click the Reviews & Discussions tab on the right to view that section.

Module Reviews

Do contribute some reviews and participate in our module review contest! More information can be found here.

Happy bidding! (: